Adobe Illustrator - Blend Tool - Class 15 :
Welcome to i am your teacher or mentor Imran
and today we have class no 15nt
so what we will learn today ?
we will study blend tool
blend tool and some related things with it
these are very interesting things
i hope you will all love this so come let's start
so first of all let me show you by zoom in
this is your blend tool
and what to do and how to do
you will understand so easily after some time and
like gradients is also a blend
i mean blending of colors are called gradient
but this blend will blend your objects
First of all
i will make you understand a simple blending
let say i have this circle
and one i have a square
and i want both of them to blend each other
so this is very simple work that
first make both of them by your rectangle and circle
and select both of them by selection tool and
i choose the blend tool from here and
i click here in the center of the circle and
i click here in the center of the rectangle and see i
on the center of the both shapes
and you can also click on any point and if you see
them carefully
this is very simple blending in front of you
here circle is converting step by step in square
and see the between shapes are made by them itself
alright and let say
i am changing little bit more
and if i have 3 shapes
let say i have one triangle
one i have
and i have a circle
and i am selecting all the 3 objects
you have to do that take you blend tool
and i clicked here and
clicked here and then i clicked here
anyway if you see them they don't have any meaning
i mean they are meaningless
but i am doing this to give you some ideas
let me tell you what actually blend do
it is not necessary that you have to do this
with different shapes
you can do this with
different sizes of object also
so i made this circle
and i made a another circle
and i decreased it's size
and i am blending both of them
i clicked here and then here
see this this both objects are blend to each other
and you can apply this to different shapes
as well as you can apply this to different lines
so let say i have
a line segment here
and we have one more line segment on below
and I am increasing it's stroke weight
say 16 and i am selection both of them and i want to blend them
see there is one more shortcut for it
see one more shortcut i want to tell you that
not only by the blend tool you can blend them by here also
so if you go to menu bar and then object menu
and see here below you will get blend
and then make and see here a shortcut is written near make
usually I use this shortcut
alt + control+ B
this will do that
this will blend everything
if you see carefully if you will get very awesome things there
yes but here these are very dark
but what is happening here ?
what are it's settings and how can we change them
i will make you understand about them but first of all i want to tell you
what is exactly the blend is ?
Blend is that you can blend different shapes to each other
and yes in this blend one thing is also special that
you can use different color's object for blending
for example
i am making this line yellow
sorry let me make this red
this is now looking orangish
and i am taking this one yellow
and i am selecting both of them and i am blending them
and now i am using the same shortcut that is control + alt + V
now this did the blend of them
this result is same like the result which we apply in gradients
yes this will also blend your colors
so smoothly along with the objects
alright and ok
here if we want to change some settings in it then
that time what we will do
simply come in blend tool and do double click here
or go to object menu and then
go to blend and click on blend options
and now see here in this pannel
first of all make your preview on and here smooth color is selected here
by turning on your preview you can see clearly what is going on
i am coming here and see here
we have second options here that is specified steps
now here is 217 value is given
i mean here 217 steps are applied to here
let say i want only 5 steps so
i typed five here
see this now here only 5 steps are coming
see carefully what is happening here
your original line
is blended with this line which was thick second line
this middle objects are
made by illustrator by itself
i said him 5 steps that's why it is coming 5 steps
1,2, 3,4,5 are coming
and one more interesting thing is that
you can change this lines further also
like this
alright this are some simple
blend rules
now come we will make some interesting things with it
so let say
i am making this oval right
i hope you remember that
rotate tool class
i rotated this and
i am adding one more copy on it
let say i am changing it's color
plus i am decreasing their weights also
i mean stroke weight
and i am also doing it's fill off, it is very important
ok i offed my fill and you can see it carefully then
these ovals are made very light
if you want then you can make it's stroke little bit thicker
ok now i am selecting all of them and pressing
control + alt + B
see here, it given some steps
in between the ovals
now the interesting thing is that if we increase it's steps then
now it is coming smooth colors so i will go to steps panel
now here is coming one step so on your preview and
just increase their steps
now you have very detail types
Spirograph is start making
now what is Spirograph ?
in childhood i hope many people had saw
a toy in which a utensil type thing which have small circles
and there some small gears type things was also available
in which we hanged our pencil and we rotated them to enjoy
so that same type of things are start making by this blend tool
this are known as Spirograph ok
this is very interesting and you can
experiment this with different shapes
let's try some other shape, I am taking some other shape
let's say i am making this star now
i am taking this color something dark
so that you can easily see what i am doing
remember that i had given very thin strokes that is
if you want then you can increase them also , there is no problem on that but i am choosing 0.5 here
because when we increase steps then at that
time it becomes too much heavy, i mean
it looks very strange while watching
now i am rotating this , see this and remember one thing that
i don't stop till here, I take one more copy over here because
it's reason is that
if i will put it till here
and then i will blend then it will look like broken blend
so take one more copy and put it over here i mean above the first shape
and you all know that after rotating
i pressed control + D for further copies
now i am blending the above by pressing control + alt + B
now let's increase
the steps and please on your preview
and see this
i hope till here you people liked this
let's try one thing more
the stars which we made, you can select them individually
you can do one more thing that
you can fill different colors on them
i am putting green here
and i am putting red here
i am putting purple here
and so on you can add different colors on each stars
and see this
it will automatically blend
your colors also
and i had made this very colorful
this is not necessary that you have to give more colors in it
i just wanted you
to know that you can select them individually and
you can give different colors to each shape
alright now it's upto you that
what you can do with this blend tool
and now
i am making some lines
and I blend them and
i increased some steps by pressing control + alt +B
i am making some things very quickly to show that what we can do with this
if you want then you can select them with direct selection
and you can change the position of lines to make interesting stylish design
and see this can be utilized
as some good backgrounds
this will give you a beautiful background
you can make this types of background
which are very interesting
so if i will change
the colors let say this
i will make a box in the background
and i am
doing this dark
see this
you had seen this types of background
and this are very helpful
and see if this lines are coming outside then you can do
masking otherwise
you can decrease their sizes also
if you understand till this
then let's take blend one step further
in blend you can do one more thing that
that you have to apply this blend on some particular path
so let say i made this circle
let me make this smaller
and this is another circle which is little bit larger
i am blending this that is control + alt + B
but i don't want like this
i mean i don't want this on straight line or path
say i am making this curve
and i want this here
so you have to make any path and then select both of them
right select both of them and then
go to object and then go to blend
then click on replace spine
see this your last blending items became this
let say instead of this
i make some other paths also
i did undo and i am making this and let say
and one more thing if you want to see some settings of spiral
then just click here only
then you will get some settings of spiral
which type of spiral you want
you can increase and decrease the segments of this
now i am taking just only 8 segments here
like this
and i want this
this part to attach or blend with this part
and i selected both of them and then go to your object
and then blend and then replace spine
see and one more small thing
i want to change is that see now all larger circles are placed inside
and all smaller circles are placed outside and i want to
place the larger circle to placed outside and the smaller to placed inside
i mean i have to reverse the object in this spine
by this method
so for this you have only this option
i mean if you go to blend and then
after that you will see the reverse spine option here
you can do this also
you can also change the further settings of this
then do double click on blend tool
and see this from here you can change it's step and turn on your preview
if you want to decrease the steps or
you want to increase them this you can do from here
i mean from here you can do this very easily
I hope till here you people easily understand what i had taught you
Finally after this we have next topic is
this is a small option of blend tool
and see here there is no big rocket science
But i hope you will must make some good things
related to this and show me in my group
and see i simply made this 2 squares
and i am blending them
first of all i am making them little smaller
and i blend both of them by control + alt + B
and i am taking them and putting this blend part in side
and again i am
i am making that spiral
and after selecting them i am clicking to replace spine
and then i went to blend and then
i clicked to replace spine
one thing is looking very strange here
that's why i made squares so that i can understand you that
all squares are made very straight but i want them
to turn with the path
so do double click here and see you have
just on your preview and see you will get a option here
this is align to page and this is align to path
so please make align to path
so it will reshape itself easily like that
and you can do also
edit after that for example
and i am selecting this object
by direct selection tool
and now i am
rotating with this with my selection tool
see all others are also adjusting them self
by the reference of this square
sometimes when you will rotate them
their shapes started changing which looks very strange
so change them according to the shape of your path
and even you can
i mean you can select this that is the inside square
and i selected them with my direct selection tool
and with selection tool and i made them little smaller
That's it
yes this is quite helpful
this is very helpful thing and many times it will help you in your work
and you can make many things with it
yes this is your blend tool and
this is small thing so this was a small tool
and i am trying to make more classes for you
that's why i am making small classes for you
so you will move forward very quickly by learning them
but that old long sessions which we had seen in past classes was also very important for you
they are most important for every stages in this field and i am not saying they are bad i mean they are awesome
Masa Allah now you are
becoming day by day very expert
so now i will make some small videos for you
i mean classes will become smaller every day from today
when we will move forward it will become smaller and smaller
sometimes if a topic will big then i wall make big class
i will come next class inshallah
so must View my next Blog and i will come with next class very soon
Thank you