Adobe Illustrator - Actions - Class 20 - Tech Learning 4U :
welcome to Tech Learning 4U
i am your teacher Zohaib and today i come with class no 20
and what will happen in today's class ?
Actions you had seen this in Photoshop
if you didn't then no problem
but for those who know about it i want to tell them Illustrator also
have action
i will not say action action is most important
but if you know this
your work will be little bit faster
so let see what is the work of action here
first of all see where you will get this action panel
if you will go to window
and see this in the top you will get actions written here
click here then
you will get this action panel here
here you will see a folder type thing
which includes some default actions
so what are these default actions ?
i will understand you in sometimes
so first understand this panel little bit
here below you delete selection,
create new action and create new set
play, begin recording and stop playing and recording
right . so what their use ?
see here there are some default actions
like example opacity 60 %
optacity 40 % , screen selection
so what is the purpose of these ?
see i made a object here
let suppose i made one more object on it
whose colour is something else from it
so i want this blue object
which is selected object
see here in bracket is written so this will apply on selection only
and if will play from here then
it's opacity will become 60 %
so you are thinking
this was a small thing
and see when i played this it's opacity became 60 % and you are thinking
same work we can do with transparency panel also
but for that you have to do many things like you have to open transparency panel then you have to do many things there like drag , giving values and many things
so it will take some times
but here you just need to play
and one more interesting thing
here in action panel there is one fly out button and when you click here
in below you will get button mode
so if i will come to button mode
then here you will get buttons
so simply i am selecting this and
we don't need to do anything and there is no option
it is simply showing some buttons
so simply go there
see here is written opacity 40 % or 60 %
simply click here and action will play from here
yes it is quite helpful
but now the question is how to make our own actions
Right so first of all i removing this from buttoon mode
ok please check this default action mode
now i am not going in details about this
but yes after checking this you will know it clearly that
what types of options are available here
for example i want to make a action
so my action subject is that when i will make any icon
and when i will play on it
then it will automatically give me different
sizes of icon
so if we make this icon by myself then it will take some time
but think if i do one click and it will give me automatically three icons of different sizes
then it will be more easier
so let's see how to make our own action
so first of all see this default icon now don't disturb this
i do not want to disturb it
i am simply coming here and doing create new set
and i gave a name like
see here you will get a new set
no action recorded yet
i am making simply anything for this work
like in my mind i am thinking any size of object
and when we will play
then our actions
will play itself on everything
so definitely i have to make a object on my screen on which
i will do my recording
so always remember that you record action
simply come here
see i had selected this, so come here in new action and i clicked it
and i set a name
icon sizes
you can give any name
plus one more interesting thing is
that from here you can decide from here that in which set you want
to put this
second thing is function key
if you want to give short cut for example
i set F2 and i am doing this with shift key
always remember if you are only setting F2 then
you have to notice that the short cuts which are in used,
make sure it doesn't make any conflict
that's why here some options are also given like shift and control
you can use it combine
so here if press shift + control+ F2 then our action will play itself
and you don't even need to press button
ok now i am taking shfit + F2 this time
colouring i am taking
so what is the work of colour? when you will put this in button mode it will show Red colour
right and let's record
here is one small button when you will click it
Recording has started
till you work it will record all the steps
so first work i did is,
i went to transform panel and remember that
this constrained with must be on
otherwise this action will not work properly
so first i gave one size that is 32
second thing i did that
i took my selection tool
and see when i did 32 by 32, it recorded one step
and i am doing right click on it
and i am going to transform and then transform each
i think you all watched how transform each works and
if you didn't watched then i am giving link of that see right side upward position
so watch that please
so i came transform each
i have to do that from here
that i want to take 64 by 64 and other size is 128 by 128
double size of it
so i made horizontal scale from here
200 % horizontal and 200 % vertical scale
see you can watch preview also
if preview is not on then on it from here
so except that i am moving from here
now here is movement is 100 points
right maximum 200 points are given so if i move it 200 points
then it will do 200 points
so let's keep it 150 points
i am moving it 150 points horizontally
ok and i am also doing
copy with it
when i did copy , this 32 by 32 copied
into 64 by 64 by this
i am talking about size ok
and if i do one more time copy it will do transform again
which is also recorded
and if you want one more copy
yes it will make but remember
it will come in like this that is overlap way
i am doing undo
because i don't want this
i am doing stop from here
so remember i did control + D here it is also recorded
so first step was , i did from transform panel that to generate it
was 32 by 32 , second step was i did from transform each panel to generate this
third step was transform again due to which this was generated
and this thing which i had generate
remember that it had taken double size which i used at that time
remember that undo dost not record
ok so i don't need this step so i am simply dragging and deleting this from here
so i my action is ready that is icon sets
now if make any size of object suppose
let say this icon and
when i will play this. ok
when i will play this, it will give me this pannel
but why this is coming ?
i want that it will don't ask me
so come below and see this toggle on/off
if your toggle is on
then it will show dialog box and it will ask you
what to do ? so remove this from here
simply do one click
it will not ask anything
so i am doing one more try
let say i made a circle of any size , it doesn't matter
and i did play from here
right , one more thing i said you that i made a short shortcut of it
if i will press shift + F2 then also
this action will play
so right come in our pencil icon
we will try on it
i take a pencil in random size here
alright so
so i don't need anything
i will simply select this and i will press shift + F2 and that's it
best thing is that actions are applicable in every file
it is not necessary that you have to work on only that file in which you made your actions
it is not like
brushes and swatches process
actions are also available at every files
one more thing i want to tell you that
i had selected red colour while making my action
if i will open button point then see
This red colour is showing including it's short cut
Shift + F2 i hope you like actions
there are many things in this and
you can do many useful things for example
if you want to save anything in some format or you want to export
you can make actions of all types of things.
so Guyz this is Last Class OF Adobe Illustrator CC,
And If you want to learn Any Other thing of Illustrator. Just Tell me
in Comment I will Guide you
Okay Thank you