Adobe illustrator Class 12 Color and Pattern Swatches :
Welcome to Tech Learning 4U. I am your teacher
Zohaib and
Today we have class no 14th
and we will learn today about swatches and there
are 3 types of swatches
One is your solid color swatches
second is your gradient swatches
and i want to tell you about this in more details
so lets start
so let say i am making a box here
and till now you had seen the options
of colors from here only that is you can do double
and select any color from your color picker
plus you can select colors from here also
and for opening the sliders of these color
we click to show options right
these are 2 or 3 options of colors
one more option you had seen is swatches
so today we will study about this
Swatches so, what is the purpose of swatches
so as i said you earlier that there are 3 types of
swatches here
One is your solid color swatches
which are these colors
second is your gradient swatches and
third is your pattern swatches
we will deal in details about patterns
but first i will tell you about this solid color swatches
so the main advantage of color swatches are that
for example that you are doing some project and
i mean you doing poster design or brochure design
and you made a color scheme
right and you can also make a new color group
from here
and give name to your color group like
my colors
ok and
by default it had take a color by itself. which color?
which i had selected
in my fill color and i am deleting this
because we don't want this color on here
but if you make any color and
for example i made this color
and so select this and i am making another color and
it is not necessary to make this color from here and
you can make this from there also
and you can add it directly here
and i made this color and i clicked this and
from here i am doing new
and after doing new see what are the options we are getting
first we have swatch name so i am giving a name to
Red and you can give any name to it
it doesn't matter and plus below here
you are getting options that is process color or spot
what is process and what is spot color ?
so let me tell me you that in printing
there is one thing which is known as process
printing in which
CMYK are all mixed together to make these colors
and one more thing is spot colors
spot colors are those colors which are just like you
have special inks
for example Pentone is a company if you do google
then you will get about the knowledge
of what is pentone? and
pentone have their special inks and instead of these
there some more companies also
but mostly which is very common are pentone
so if you want to make it spot color then you can
make it spot color also
and then from here whatever value you want to to
do you can
so let me tell you about this spot color is that
these are special ink's color and they are not made
by mixing of any colors
that is a single color right
let say if we want to make this spot color then we
can make it spot color also
if we want to make this process color then we can
also make it process color
lets keep it process color for now
from here there is an option that you can do global from here
and what do you mean by global?
i will tell you after some times about this
i mean each and everything about this for example its works and what is it ?
it will help you
after completing your artwork when you will need to change all the colors together
that time it will help you
you can change this from here very easily
it is possible when your global is checked from here
so let's keep it this way and
i am setting this in global format and i am doing ok
see here you get a color and
remember one thing that whenever you will do global so here
you will get a simple single color on the right side
now i am making another color
let say
from here
i selected this
pink color and
although there is not a huge difference
so i am taking this color and from here
remember one thing that you must have to select this
then from here you have to do new and here you have to give it a name
and make it global
ok and see here you get a second color
and i am taking third color
let say i am taking this green
from here i did this
and i put some name
like light green
and i made this global
now see and sorry let me take this to here
if you face the same problem then please drag it
and you can put this here also
what is the benefit of this group
let say i am making
some design
and my design is very simple
see there are
some circles here
ok and let's align them
just check it once ,
that you are not doing align to artboard
let me tell you about this
sorry i didn't tell you about this in last classes
here in align panel you will get some option
so from this panel click on show options and
select align to selection and last time
i was doing some work so i had aligned to artboard
so select align to selection and if you select align to artboard then
it will align with artboard and if i will do bottom
then it will place it very below
so i did it align to selection and
i did this right and
just remove these strokes and now
here i filled
maroon or deep red color
here i am filling pink
and here green color is already selected
for example i made a object and
and i am using it many places
and i had take some multiple copies
of it
ok now for example i am thing that this green is
looking very odd
and i want to change this
from here it will not change
it will become very light if we do it from here
but i don't want to do this
i want to change this green wherever it is used
i want it to change in any other color
so you do simple one thing that
do double click on the small swatch thumbnail
and from here
select some different color
you can on your preview also so that you can see the changes / direct results
so i am taking pink here
that is very light pink
alright this and
let me write very "light pink" here
you can give any name here and
just do it ok and it is a global thing
it had replaced all the greens to very light pink color
this is very big advantage
that you can change your color in your artwork
the file in which you used this color
it will change automatically
you have to just change it from here only nothing else
one thing i want to tell you that if any color is not global
for example i am making this
and i am taking
inside them that color which is not global
for example i am making a new color
and let select this green
and i added this in
the same group
and i am not doing it global ok
see the main problem is that if it is not global
if i will change this by double click on it then
only this will change
my artwork's color will not change so make sure
whenever you are making your own swatches
make it global
similarly you have gradients too
and you can also make gradients swatches also
and for gradient you can do simply
i mean you can do that first open your
gradient panel
suppose we made this gradient
and i am simply doing drag and drop
here it will add
i am not going to tell you details about this
just understand one thing that whenever you will make gradients
just pit it here,
you will not need to make gradient repeatedly
third type is swatch which is coming is pattern swatch
ok what is pattern swatch
pattern swatch is that
you made a design
it will just like a tile i mean floor tiles , wall tiles
you can say it is a design
whose repetition makes a complete til, alright
so from here you can make your own patterns very easily
i am making very simple patterns for you
let's say we have a box here
and inside this box
we have this color (brown)
and inside this box
a star is there
it's very simple design
i am not making
a big detail swatches now
make it align (must do )
if you see it 100 % it's size is this
and i want to make this little bit small ok
if i will drag and drop it by selecting this with my selection tool
then see this here is that pattern which we made now
what is the work of pattern?
whenever you will make any object
you can fill it
so put your fill box in top otherwise it will fill in your stroke
and when i clicked here
we get our pattern like this
if you see it carefully you can see that your stares are in sequence
i mean they are in perfectly aligned see here the rows and columns
vertical lines are known columnss
and horizontal lines are known as row
i want this to come in center and
i mean i want to put every one star between two stars in my patterns
and so on
i want this type of pattern all over in my design
by default it will make this in grid
but if you want to edit this then also you can do it
just simply double click on the thumbnail
you will get a preview and as well as
you will get a pattern option panel
if you see in this pattern option
you can see tile type here is grid
if you do brick by row instead of grid
now the setting is same which i was talking about
and you also have brick by column option also
you have also Hex by column and Hex by row
yes obviously we will not use this
now we don't need this
we will see it later
so for this i think that you just do brick by row here
when you think that everything is perfect then
look here in this part (up)
let me zoom for you , you have here done, save a copy and save options are coming
so i am doing done here
so this is it, Now this is became very easily
this is very beautiful pattern
and using the same method
i am making a another pattern for you
this is different
we had only seen brick by row and brick by column only
let see what more we can made with this
i made this hexagon here
and i am taking some
copies of them
i am making them smaller ok
alright and i am aligning all of them
here size difference are coming
and i am making them larger
here i am taking color
and this
and i am removing
their strokes
ok this very simple
pattern in front of me
i am simply dragging it
and dropping it here
if i make a box
and if i put this pattern here then it will look strange
sorry it applied into my strokes ,so make sure you put the fill at the top
and it is showing very strange pattern so
why it is strange but it is beautiful not so bad
strange is because of the white background
which i was not wanting to make
this not actually white , this is transparent
so what we can do with this
we will do edit by double clicking on it's thumbnail
and see this you can see the preview
from here, instead of grid
if we do hex by column, right
why hex by column, why not hex by row
because hex by row will used here little bit differently
if you put this by rotating and
the pointed will be in the up then that time you will use this
otherwise you will do hex by column
it is looking great so simply click done from here
that's it and it is very interesting
honeycomb pattern is made
i hope you liked this
and if you resize it and your patterns
will become like this
Don't worry you don't need to take any tension
your pattern will become again correct and beautiful
You go and click on the thumbnail again
this pattern will become perfect again
Illustrator gives a small bonus
Bonus is that
you have default swatches library in your illustrator
go to windows panel and see below
see here, this is your
Swatch libraries
you can get many color scheme swatches
these are pen tone colors which
i said that these are use in spot color
and we have many schemes here in color books and and every panel just check it once
but now we don't need this
if we see color properties then we can see bright, cool ,dark
saturated,de- saturated , light, soft
if you need soft colors then click here
these will give u all soft colors
these are extra soft
if you want something more different then
let say i am selecting earth tones
these are your color scheme
this is a complete panel in front of you
and you have different color schemes
it's default schemes are available in front of you
you can use this in your artwork
see these folders this are complete
color scheme
what are color scheme and how we can use it ?
i will explain in very detail manner
at that time we will see what are schemes
and we can do with this
you have patterns swatches in your windows menu
go to window menu and then swatch library
then see here you v\have patterns
you can see here decorative
let say if i go to decorative menu bar
and then i am going to decorative legacy then
see this you will get most interesting
patterns here
small and delicate patterns are available here
please don't take it easy,
they are very helpful and best
you will get very best results due to which
i hope these class is very useful for you and
i know this class is not so big
and i know usually i teach very long class
but i noticed one thing that many students said me
that sir your class in very long
i know many peoples are not watching properly
they are watching by escaping my videos
i will take my time according to my topics
this topic was very small
i believe that in this topic also , you have many things to do related to this
do it's practice .
After this Blog I will come with my new class Insha Allah
that is our class all about Brushes's Blog
and we will make interesting custom brushes
and some tools are left
but these things
are also important and useful and as we learned today about swatches
next class we will see all about brushes
then please Read my Blog and tell
I am teaching many thing here right Thank you
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