Adobe Illustrator Class 8 Learn Scale, Shear, Reshape and Free Transform Tool (Tech Learning 4U):
Welcome to Tech Learning 4U.
i am your teacher Zohaib, today we are starting class no 8th
and today i will make this class little bit short
and it will not so much details but
but there many interesting things here and they are very useful tools
which i have to tell you because they are most important for your work
aah, so let's come and start
so today we have scale tool ,
shear tool and reshape tool
if you see here in those tools which have a small arrow attached to it ,
it means they have some more tools inside
so you can also do that
here in the last of this tool there is an arrow,
click here
so it will give a separate tool bar
i mean a small tool bar will open separately
so let see what is the work of this scale tool,
for example i said you last time that
i said that we can rotate our object by selection tool,
In the same way,
we can scale our object
by selection tool but
you have a scale tool here which is given separately
and yes here something will different
but this is very useful and very interesting thing so let see
first thing is that in this scale tool you will get
same pivot point which
you had got in your rotate tool but of course we will not rotate here
we will scale here
if i take my scale tool and then i will do click & drag on any object
then see it is becoming small
and you can change this in any strange shape widely
i mean you can do this small , big, long ,
i mean whatever you like you can do this
but if you will press shift then it will work in constrained manner
and here also you can do horizontal and vertical
but here it will little bit in controlled way
but if you will not press then it will work very different (fluid) or you can say uncontrolled way
and you can also say this that it is
working in organic way
so here what is the work of pivot point here
so see here pivot point is same as , i mean if i click here
and i will make it smaller then see
it is becoming smaller in this direction
ok , i think this is not so difficult to understand because you all are now familiar with rotate tool
and pivot point is very much familiar with you now
and you know how to use this pivot point and it's work
one more interesting thing is that like in rotate tool
you can copy there by clicking with
your pivot point while rotating
here also you can copy it , see here i pressed
both the keys alt and shift and see I
when i will put this here and release it
so see here a copy is generated here
and if i will press control + D same as i did in rotate tool then
it will make further copies of it
and which is
quite interesting, Right. Ok
and most important thing in scale tool is
i don't use scale tool for this particular purpose
i use this tool for some other work for example
you have a rectangle here
and you are selecting this two points
from upward position by Direct selection
you can do this on two paths, i mean
here is a complete shape and you
you can also do scaling on two anchor points of this shape
so what is the use of scale here, you selected your scale tool
and you want to simply spread this or
you want to decrease this
and remember one thing,
i selected here two anchor points here, Ok
if you will select this then this scale will be applied on the whole object
so how we are selecting this ? by direct selection ok
and what if i mean how we will use this when we will have multiple objects
i made a square here
and i made some copies of this
alright and i selected all the upper
anchor points of these all boxes
and with my scale tool, i made them smaller
and see
this time our pivot point was in center
so all are shrinking and coming towards center
but if i put my pivot point here
and i will make them smaller form this side then see
you can also scale this in this way also
and look very interested things is made
so let me select only fill so you will get more clear about this
and you will understand this more easily
i selected this all points with my direct selection tool
and with my scale tool, i put my pivot point here
and see i am making this small
like this way
and if you will not press shift then also
it will move in an axis because we had restricted this with our pivot point
and we had only selected our upper anchor points so only upper part will move here
and if we go up and down then also no difference will appear here
alright and in the same way
if i will select this and i want to make them larger
so we can easily make this larger
see it is showing very beautiful perspective and we will read one point perspective,
two point perspective, we will learn them also
but not now
alright there is also one more work of scale tool
remember we had made mango in our class 2
and i am making mango again
and i want to explain a small part of it
if i made a oval and
and i want this upper anchor point
i mean i want to increase it's width
so you can do this work
by your scale tool also
which means if select one point which must have these tangent or curve handles
that will spread so i selected one point
and with my scale tool, i am increasing it's breadth
but we don't want to increase so much for our mango
we just need to do a little bit broad
and you people know what to do
so i did just little bit like this from here
and i did this from here and that's it
ahh. It's our Black mango
next tool which is coming in front of us is Shear tool
Shear tool
see in our direct selection
you can select two points and you can drag it like this
this thing is called shear
but this is good for only one object
if i have multiple objects for example
we have many boxes
like this
and i am taking vertical copies also
alright ok
if i take whole design, see these all are separate boxes
if i select all the upper parts with my direct selection and then i will drag them
then see only upper part will move
i want this whole object to be slanted all together
i mean little bit sheared shape
so here we can use our shear tool
so select all of them and take your shear tool
and see this, it is very easy to do
you can shear all your objects together
and here there is no details about this
and i don't want to go in details and i just want to make this class small
ok but in the end i will make a interesting thing for you peoples
you people will have something for practice
i know you need something excited, i know my students love it
when i make something for them
so next our tool is reshape tool
and reshape tool will give you some
interesting result while working
it will help you to reduce some steps
but i don't use this but if you think
it is useful for you then you must use this
so let me tell how it's work but first of all
i want to tell you something else related to this
see if i add a point with my pen tool and then
with direct selection i move this point here
alright and
then with my anchor point tool or
you can say with my convert anchor point tool, i made a curve like this
see here we had take 3 steps
reshape tool will do this
same work in 2 or 1 step but for this it is necessary to
select this simple path by your direct selection tool
see here only this path is selected
and other no parts are selected
i just selected this with my direct selection tool
so select your reshape tool and drag it and
see it is automatically
adding an anchor point as well as
it will give you a curve also
so see in the same way we can do this from here
and i don't need to select this anymore
from here it will do
all the things automatically
so i am clicking here and moving this towards inward direction like this
and i am also clicking here and moving this here
see some interesting thing is made
see in reshape tool just remember one thing that
i mean make sure only
one anchor point is selected otherwise
while moving by dragging all the shape will move
so see here
it is added and if you select this and move then
whole shape will move
so simply do one thing
whenever you want to use reshape tool then
please select one path by your direct selection
and after that
you can add curves in it
which is very easy ,like this, like this
if you want your points in very equal and proper manner then
i will suggest you to do your work along with your guides
it will be very easy for you and i said you earlier that
i don't find this a controlled tool
so that's why i use this very rarely
so i use this tool very less but if you want to use this you can use it
if you like something in this then you can use this
so it was very necessary that what was the purpose of this tools
so you can understand this why this tool is used
this is one thing and now another thing is that
as i said that we will make
some interesting thing with our scale tool
lets start , i said you that today's class is small
but i will make some interesting things for you
i will teach you something which will be very interesting for you guys alright ok
ok i am making
a simple rectangle here
and lets add some gradient in it and now you people knows
how to use gradient so
let color it and i am using my work space which i made in my last class
i am loading that
and i want to add some color here
let's see which color is this
alright this is good
and i am applying this color as a gradient here
i made a copy of it and this is something dark
so i am adding a lighter tone here
like this
this is little bit cylindrical gradient
and i am spreading this little bit
i removed it's stroke
and i am zooming in for you
here i am making a box
so you guys had already learned all the things
which will be needed here so i am opening align panel from here
alright and
and i am doing one more thing is that
i am taking one more copy
little bit larger
remember one thing whenever i am making this larger ,
i am doing this with pressing Alt key
so it will increase
from both sides proportionally
alright and i want to
add some shadows below them
so do one thing that
here i made a box
and here i am not changing any color and
i am telling you a new thing to you guys
so open your transparency panel from windows
alright and come below
and i just open transparency and
we will study this in details but not now
just see that i made a simple box here and let me show you that this is simply a box
made by my rectangle tool
and by default same gradient is showing here which i used in making this pillars and i am making this smaller
and i am doing simply that
i am changing it's mode to multiply
and if you want then you can down it's opacity from here
so it will look like little darker here
like this and you can also make it smaller
alright and i want one more here
make it smaller
and i am copying this all things
i rotated like this and
i put this here
so do zoom in and fit this properly
see my smart guides always guide me
that i am doing this right or not
sometimes i don't need to align anything because my smart guides are enough for this
so my art baord is little bit smaller
so i am making this larger
or you can change your art board into landscape
so i need little bit wide art board
so i just took my art board tool
see here some options are coming that if you want to then you can change your page sizes etc
but i just want to change it's orientation
now it is portrait mode so i just want to change this in landscape mode
i made a column same like pillars
i am making one more box above it
i am taking a copy of this and putting it here
and i am selecting all and making them group
by pressing control + G
see this is like i mean you can say that
we have two pillars here
so what we are going to do ?
scale tool will help here
it will give a most interesting result here
let us take our scale tool and
see our pebble point is locating in the center now
there is no issue due to it so let it be on the center
and i am making it small from here
and you can do it by pressing shift also
like this and i am also pressing alt
so it will generate a copy with it ok
and now if i will press control + D see it will give us a interesting result
something very interesting thing is made here
see a corridor thing
this is very simple , there is no rocket science used here
and yes some little things i want to tell you that
i made this and i also applied gradients here
if you put it like this while making it small
i mean here on the top position then
remember one thing it will show on the upper position i mean top most
and you have to do send to back
but that's not a big problem
i made some copies by pressing control + D
this are so close to each other and looking nice but
but if you see it carefully then you will notice
that they all are overlapping on each other
so do one thing and i selected all of them from here
and i did send to back and let me tell you short cut of send to back
Control + shift + [
ok i mean left square bracket
it will do send to back directly but remember one thing that this is not applied on all of them
now i have to deselect this so i will press shift and i will click left button of mouse
and then again send to back
again shift + click and send to back
also again shift + click and send to back
so you have to work little bit if you want to make some thing good
don't think why we are doing so many works
ok and i am doing send to back one by one
control + shift + [
control + shift + [
control + shift + [
control + shift + [
control + shift + [
control + shift + [
control + shift + [
control + shift + [
control + shift + [
that's it see it is completed
these are now properly arranged
you can also add some background behind it if you want
but i am not so interested to make this with a background
i mean arrange this with background
but you got the idea
do some handwork and i am dam sure you will make some interesting thing with this
one more bonus i want to give you
let me delete this or no let me do one work
let me take a new file and
let me do some work on it so i take a copy of it
and i will pasted it on a new file
and i am taking landscape orientation from here
i did ok and i pasted here
that is control + C and then control + V
alright now
so i am removing all the colors from here
so i want to tell you one thing and
i made this flat black design and i don't have to do send to back here
see this simple black color and
you can take any color like grey or whatever you like
just keep it flat and
but see this multiply will overlap
but no problem its ok
in scale tool
the pivot point will do some interesting thing
it is same as vanishing point. and what is vanishing point ?
in perspective when things go form one to point (near )to other point (far) and
they meet each other at some place (point)or end at that point
that is known as vanishing point
here in this Technic this point will play an important role here
this is playing the role of
station point
what is the station point ? the point where you are watching this
for example if am watching this by lying in the ground
that is watching from this point and i am in this place
then see when i will take its copy
like this
and i will do control +D then it will generate copy
see it is visible to you such as you are watching this while lying on the ground
and alright in the same way
and i watching this hanging above ,
somehow suppose that i am hanging above
and i am making this smaller
like this and then control + D
see you angle is changed now
you are watching everything from above
if i am watching this left side from here
then the whole corridor will be visible to us like this
remember what i am doing .
So let me tell you once more
so may be i showed you at very speed way so let me tell you once more
i am just taking scale tool and
i am adjusting pivot point by clicking it
here is my pivot point
and with pressing alt + shift i am making this smaller
and i released my mouse button and then
control + D ok
it is so simple is that
alright then let us see
our next tool very quickly
next our tool is Free transform tool
see you will think that as
with my selection tool i am doing rotate , scale and increasing or decreasing size
your free transform tool will do the same thing ok
but the interesting thing is that a separate panel opens in front of you with some more option
that is extra things are given
we will discuss this but let us see first what it will do
you can do scale up and scale down from here
and if you want to
then you can rotate this also from these tool
and you can do 2 or 3 things
which will be applied by this tool bar
when you will select this then it will open automatically itself
alright so first one is constrained
so if i will on this and resize it then see i am not pressing any shift here
and if i do anything it will be constrained
so what do you mean by constrained
constrained means it's width and height proportion will be same
as we do this with pressing shift
exactly same thing will be applied here but without shift
here a link is coming here and it is written constrained here
so it's width and height will constrained in proportion
so what we say constrained in urdu ?
i don't know
i don't know
i don't remember it now
so please check this in dictionary
next you have
see free transform is by default selected here
see here is perspective distort and
if i will take this and i will take this little bit below then see
it is going up automatically from upward position also
similarly if i will take it inside it will make it from up and down
and if will apply this in width then it will change the width also
ok alright this is perspective distort
lastly you have free distort
which mean you can easily
i mean
you can do this with taking your points
i mean you can distort your object or shape like this
so now i am taking only one object
so it is not looking so interesting here
let's see if we have some more objects then what will be the result of that
so i am making some multiple boxes
which i had made earlier also (in class 1)
alight and i selected this
now i am selecting my free transform tool
now if i will come at my perspective
by selecting this free transform tool
so click and drag like this
so it will look like this ok
and if will click here and
spread it like this or do like this then
this is looking very interesting i mean it is made something like a floor
it is showing very interesting perspective ok
but if will take free distort
then some different things will made by this
remember one thing
i am doing this different objects all together
because i had selected them all together
and with this tools
you can spread them like this
i hope this things will he helpful for you
now you can use them creatively
and you can make a whole room for showing me by this tool
so please use them and it is very useful things
so today i am ending this class till here
please share it with your friends
we will make some interesting things at that day