Adobe Illustrator Type Tool Part 2 Class 11 :
Welcome to Tech Learning 4U. I am your Teacher Zohaib
Today is our 11th class which is related to our type tool
i mean this is our part 2 which is related with our type tool
let's start our class
last time we had saw some things in Illustrator
and the last topic was paragraph text
and i had left a small part in paragraph text
so i will tell you today about it
I don't know i think i escaped it or forgot about it
and yes i am telling about it
this is very important and very useful
see if i will make here with my type tool
and here i will
see in CC this text comes by default
but i deleted this and let say
from here i am copying some text and then I am pasting here
this is also a lorum ipsum text
see this is perfect but problem is that
i mean there is a small technical problem
if you see in magazine and newspaper etc
you will find the text box is in rectangle small box
reasons is that while reading long lines
people do mistakes and escape one or two lines
for escaping that things
we make that small rectangle box shape text (that is column)
so for that reason i am making my box thin that is I am converting into column
Am not doing any layout Design
I am just explaining about column related things here
plus see a small problem here
see i am zooming in for you
these things will not zoom for you
so i am zooming my screen and this Technic
is very interesting and
suggested by my one viewer
that sir somehow zoom your screen
many times youtube screening is slow
and blurry video is showing
and we don't see which tool you use so thank you
Thanks the suggestion was very nice
After 2 or 3 unsuccessful trials
i got my nice software for my screen zooming
and yes it is quite helpful I hope
now I can zoom for you to show my tools
and all the features of tools and everything will be zoomed by this very easily.
ok now when we see our
plus sign here
This shows that our extra text is
over flowing below
so we want the remaining text in this column
i mean here in this place
i mean we want a column here where remaining text will show us here
so there is very simple process for it just select this if it is not selected
then click here and it will be selected
and now come here and click in this plus sign
and when i clicked here
my cursor's look became little bit changed
and in my cursor remaining text is showing
how we will make it ?
if you want then make a box also
or just click here
then same size box will appear with the remaining text here
and see this remaining text is really belongs to the previous box and
if i will select some text and
delete this from here then
see it is shifted to up
and if i copied this and paste this here
then see it is shifting down
and i hope this will helpful in your work
if you are writing paragraph text or making column
then you can do this from here very easily
as well as you can easily link things
so let's start
our remaining tools,
if you see here
ok let me zoom in for you to it clearly
this is known as area type tool
and last time we had seen type tool and this is area type tool
and i am taking this
so what is the purpose of area type tool ? actually area type tool
is also used for paragraph so for example
if i want to add my text in some specific shape
the text which i had copy sometimes ago that text
i am pasting here but i am taking area type tool
with taking your area type tool just click on it's path
and now i am pasting it
this is your area type tool
what is the benefit of it
see from here it is right but from here it is looking strange
so i will suggest you that
from your paragraph settings just off your hyphenate
and from here just click on justify
and from this the whole text will
applied properly inside this shape
and many times it is very useful for us
and if you want then you can make your own shape also
and i am making a shape with my pen tool
let say i made like this from here
and here we can put some picture or
we want to put it here
ok and
i am taking this little bit inside
and here i want to add my text
and my shape is completed
and we will take our area type tool and then
let me take more text by copying from it
and i just clicked here
and paste
see this it is made very easily
in that shape and one more thing
this type of justification is not looking good here so
you can do left align here and you can do this also
and i hope this is very easy for you
and second thing is
we have another tool
Type on a path tool
so what is the work of this type on a path tool ?
Bro this zoom software is little bit strange
It is little bit little uncontrollable
so please endure it
so it's function is
that you can type on the top of the path, so let's see what we can do with this
now i selected this tool and for example
if you have a path
for example i made a path with my pen tool
I made this path and I
I just turn on It's stroke only
and i selected my type on the path tool only
and after taking it when you will click on the path then see
your Lorum Ipshum will show like this
so I am removing this and whatever you want to text you can write it here
so Adobe
alright ok
i typed this and now i am
taking my selection tool, so remember one thing the path which you made
will deselect itself and
it will not Visible to you any path ok
but your text's base line
is made on this path
and now i want to explain some 2 or 3 things in very detail
number one , Now i am taking my direct selection and see it carefully
you are getting this line here
and a box is made with it
and i am taking my cursor on it and then see
a arrow along with line
is pointed towards right side
we have one more line which here
if i will take my cursor here then see a line will pointed towards
left side so remember that the left side arrow is
a end of range that is
last corner of the range
that means a range of text is made in which i had clicked
and in the end of the path
so do one work, hold this and drag here
or you can do this with your direct selection also
alright and take it to here
now you know that your text is in this ranges
see here , let me zoom in for you
this is your center line
and what is the work of these center align ?
it work is simple you can hold this line and
you can move this in your path
and see my text are disappeared from here
this is due to my range, so increase your range from here
do one more thing , see if you make your range larger also
alright , and do your text center align,
the benefit of doing center align is
that your text will be always in the center
and it will be adjusted with the edges
now if you want to make it opposite
the draw towards the below
this is not a big work , this was your open path
problem will arise when you have a closed path
what i mean by closed path ? for eg i mean something you have a circle
so lets make a circle and
let us add some text on it
and again i take my type on a path tool and then
i clicked here
MENTOR i had typed here
see here
you this part is here you can hold and drag this to move it's position to here
i mean on here and i said you that
how to adjust the range
see my screen is showing strange things now
why this happening because we had not arranged this range
and I am doing undo see it carefully
i am zooming in for you see it carefully
your start and end range both are near together
see very small indications come there this is your range's start
this is your range's end
alright, so first of all
adjust both of them according to your text
like this
ok make some little gap
and make sure your line must be center align
now you can move this with holding this center align
like this
now if you want to make your font size bigger than or to increase your font size then
then please first of all make your range bigger
and now you can make your font size bigger
I hope this was very simple work
and i hope you understand it well
here there is no big details and there are some more tools also
that i escaped and i said you about
the vertical type tool
I don't know i said you about this or night but see here this is vertical type tool
if you need to type vertically then
and see this is going towards up
because we had selected center align
so i am doing top align from here
now this will move like this
now it depends if you want to use it
then use but we don't use it so much
i mean we don't use so much this (vertical text tool)
similarly if you see here
this is your vertical type tool and similarly again
you have to type vertically in this area (that is any area made by you)
so if you make any area just like this
and of you apply your vertical type tool so see
it applied here automatically and you can view this
this is going form right to left ( little bit strange i don't know why)
i don't recommend everyone to use this
and lastly you have
Vertical type on a path tool
ok so Vertical type on a path tool is used sometimes
yes we use them sometimes in
a circular way in our works
again this is upon yourself if you want to use it then use
i don't want to give advise or any type of comments on it, it's your choice
but yes they are useful many people use it for making wonderful graphic
i don't use it because i don't like this very much
but if i will need this then i will definitely use them
but now as such i don't need this tools so much
so yes i don't use it in my works
but let's make something with this so if we don't make anything good then we don't get interest on it
because i know this class is looking something fade and dull little bit
so lets start we some great design with it
so sometimes earlier we had seen type on a path tool so lets make something by using it
and let's make some interesting thing with it
now i got a idea to make some badge type thing
i think it's a badge
ok alright it's a badge
so i want to make that badge logo of my channel name that is "GFXMentor"
so before making it i just want to tell you some things that
so whatever i make
i make their base first
so now i am thing to make it's edges something
like zig zag or something wave type
so how to get that wave type edges on it ?
so just select this object (circle) and go to effect menu and then
i am apply one effect that is distort and transform
and under this here you can see the last one that is zig zag
and whenever you will on this preview you will easily understand what is going on here
and if you see here in the options here you will get the size
so if you increase the size from here it will look like star type shape
i am making very small
and i am increasing it's ridges
what is ridges ? this points which are coming on the edges
and again i am decrease it's size
because i need more
and if you want to increase then you can as much you need
plus one more thing i am doing it smooth instead of corner
so what will be the benefit of smooth
it will make the effects of edges very smooth
rather than that pointed edges
and yeah i am decreasing it because
it was more than enough i think
that's it because i think it was very looking great
so remember one thing
whatever we apply via effects from the menubar
that is not permanent effect
so let me show you by moving this and one more thing
i hope you remember in the past classes i said you
about the outline mode that is Control + Y
see if i will show you in outline mode then see our path is round there is no effect on strokes of our new shape which we applied through effect menu bar
this is just a effect on the surface this is not a wave shape but looking like wave shape because of the effect
so if we want to make this permanent zig zag shape then
we have to do one thing that is "expand" (option available in the object menu bar)
so just select this and come here that is our object menu bar and
just click on the expand appearance options alright
now the path is permanently converted to zig zag wave like shape
so if i will show you in outline mode (control + Y) then you can see this clearly
this is 100 % perfect
this is our base
and i want
some circles over it
alright i made a circle here and
i put light grey color here
it is just a stroke
there is no fill inside and
i am making it little bit thick
and i took a copy of it and paste it here
see here when i paste it here
see i pressed control + C for copy
and for pasting it i pressed control + V
so remember one thing that the control + v will paste
on the center of the screen that you are using
one more solution if you press control + c (for copy) and then control + F
then it will paste
on the front of the exactly same object
which you had copied by pressing control + C
so for today i had given you this new tip
so control + F do paste in font (place)
and if you make it small by pressing shift + alt
then you will get to know that you have two circles here
that one
was last circle
and this is the circle (which i made small )which i copied just now (by pressing shift + control)
and here i want to write my text GFXMentor
don't take tension of any colors here
we will see the coloring after some times
let's make another circle
but let us take a copy of this circle here ( i mean outside)
because if i make a copy there then it will
create disturbance with the other paths
so now i am writing text over it
so with the help of
type on a path tool
i am typing
GFXMENTOR (everything is in capital letters form)
and i am adjusting the range as well as
i am doing center allign
see this i am taking this to the center
and see here my smart guide is directing me here (or guiding me)
yes see that purple line which is guiding me here
ok i am changing it's fonts
font , font ,font
i want it to look classic and something like old type fonts
so i am selecting
ok let me type some good font name
Trajan pro 3
yes this was bold ok perfect
now this is 100% perfect
this is our text GFX mentor
again i am adjusting it in center
ok alright
ok let me change it's color
if i will take the gray color from here it will convert it into strokes
but no problem just swap it from here
it will change it into fill
as we know our circle is in the same size
that's why our text's position
is on the surface line of this circle
but i want it to take the position between this black area (between the two circles)
now there are two options here
first is that to make it's size larger
and if you see here whenever i increase it's size
see it carefully
the font size is also increasing
which i don't want to do as because this font size is enough for me
but i want this to just come to little bit up
so remember one thing that is character panel
(by pressing control + T) you will get your character panel
from here click on the show options
and you will get here baseline just increase it
ok this is now in the center
and now i need a second text below here
so i am taking it's copy
and now i am
editing this text
Established 2017
I am putting this one here but
obviously I don’t want this here
I want this below here
so just hold this center align
and place it inside
because if I will put this outside
it will look non straight way which I don’t want
and I will place it inside
so it will be straight.
See whatever we made here
if we align it with center then
i mean center align to everything here
it will look perfect
all the things will set itself automatically
automatically but the problem is that this part (est. 2017) is now moved to inside but I want this here
so what we will do ?
simply select this part and make the base line negative
so I am making it minus
I want some stars here
and as well know stars were very used in old trends
and today also they are in trend.
So let’s make a star ,
alright and I am taking a copy of star here
but I am making it
and I am taking a copy of this (small star) here
and please do one more work that
please maintain the gap equally
this is very small
and fine work but make it perfect with care
alright so
So I am grouping this 3 stars
and then right click transform, reflect
and then copy
and I am dragging this here,
here in the center I want some interesting design
so let make a small thing
first of all I selected my ellipse tool
i mean oval with my ellipse tool is made by me here
and I made a ellipse here and
let me make its size little bit larger
from here also
Let me put this here so that you can see this clearly
and I want to put this only in stroke,
stroke I want to put very finely small value
that is 0.25 see it is very thin and
I want to rotate this
so do double click on the rotate tool then
it will ask you how much degree you want to put here
and here is showing 6 degree so I am doing rotation in 6 degree and
see 6 degree is also divisible of 360 degree,
yup click on copy and press control + D for further copies
control + d
This is known as simple Spirograph and
I am doing group of it and
putting this in the center and
do center align here
Oh I had did one mistake ,
so what is the mistake ? our stars moved towards the center
So do one more thing
just group both the stars and
now if i
i mean if I do center align then
there will no problem after that
Alright So I want this overall to become
little bit larger
so that it will touch the line
(or near the line surface)
In the center I want to make one more circle
and I am applying black fill here (fill - color)
I wanted to show you only that part of beside design
and after this I don’t want to show any part of that beside design
And I want to add some stroke over it
I am giving 2 point value of that stroke
Between here
let’s make here some icon
i mean some design
So I will represent our illustrator here
(icon of illustrator)
In our illustrator whoever who don’t know illustrator
that person also know
about this tool that is our pen tool
Let us make pen tool in the center (pentool is icon here)
and how to make it ? I will make it with my pentool
I am quickly taking a guide
and with the help of my guide I am making simple icon of pentool
It is very simple I mean pen icon and
I made this and
let me off my fill so that it will not disturb me
From here
I made this and alright
This is our half made and
I think I have put this little bit inside and
I am making this curve very smooth
, I want a copy of this here
I hope you remember reflect tool and
I am making a copy from here
by pressing alt button key
Alright but this is looking very wider
and it is not attractive or you can say it is not so perfect
I am doing undo (control + Z) and making this again
i am decreasing this part little bit
and I am doing more curve here (you can I am making this curve very smooth)
I am taking this part to the below (dragging by direct selection tool
I am taking this part little bit below (or increasing from below)
Alright I am reflecting it quickly and
I did join both of them
and again I join of both of them
Now this is our pentool
And I want to fill this and
if you can’t see the color clearly
let me dark for you
so you can see clearly ( i will change this color at last stage)
It is looking something strange
I am changing this part
and I want to select this
and make it wider
with the help of my scale tool (shortcut - S)
inside this I am making a small
and thin rectangle here
ok I am changing my color and so that you will clearly see what I am doing here
I am making a circle here alright
and do center align to all of them
Just open your pathfinder
do minus front
Perfect ? no man it is little bit more wider
so I am making it little bit thin
and also making my circle smaller
and now I am doing minus front
This part is looking larger so
let me make its size smaller
and I am making a box below this
And that’s it
And my pen tool icon is completed
but now i will make something that is a path
let's make
a path
what is the meaning of path here ?
I mean I made a circle here
and I deleted one path (by selecting that below anchor point with selection tool)
please select only stroke here, After putting stroke
I am making a rectangle here
with pressing alt + shift so that it will make from the center automatically
and I am taking fill only and
I am taking one copy of it in here and again here (right side) these are our anchor points
One more line I am here from the center
by pressing alt + shift so that
it will grow from the center
and take your eye dropper and click here
so that the same stroke
will be apply on it also
Lastly I am making with the help of my ellipse tool
and making circle here
please make sure you will on its fill only not stroke
and take a copy of it here
And I am selecting this line
increasing its stroke
let’s take 4 points
and I am selecting this and
I am giving 2 points here
As they are all looking very smaller
so I am making them
sorry brother I know this class is larger
i want to do one thing that
I simply want this strokes to convert into fill
so I am simply going to object menu and doing expand so that it will become fill
And I said this in class no 9 so now group them
and put them here
Alright this design which I made
I am putting this in the center of here
Just group the overall icon and select the color of these stars
taking these grey color here
Alright and awesome
and I am selecting overall and I am doing center align
now it is looking perfect and you can make it larger also if you want to
Now it is turn to put some colors
but see one thing my target is to make my design good
when it look good then I put colors on it so no issue
I want to put some dull colors
so what to select ?
Here also pick the same color
with your I dropper
Or if you want then
you can select dark color also
so that’s it and I am ending class till here
So make sure you will do lots of practice of it
so try it because these are very useful
Sometimes these types of project will come in your life in this career and
sometimes online project also given to the designer
to make this badge logo or seal logo design
So practice it more and more and you can add more details as per your required
you can also modernize it
and I made it very classic
with the help of serif font because of it
, it is looking very classic ( you can see the classic feel)
I hope you liked this class
Inshallah my next class will be on Typography
May be it will based on theory may be it will boring
but no It will not bore you because I am teaching you
and you and I know
that I don’t bore my students, I know my classes are little bit longer
but I will try my best to not make it longer
Alright it is very important
you will lean many things
Typography is the soul of your design
So wish you all the best and
try this ok
thank you so much