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Adobe Illustrator - 3D in Illustrator Tech Learning 4U - Class 16

 Adobe Illustrator - 3D in Illustrator  Tech Learning 4U - Class 16 :


welcome to Tech Learning 4U

Today is our class number 16

today i will

do something different i mean very different thing

which have big demand that is 3D

In illustrator there is one effect known as 3D and

In illustrator 3D has 2 or 3 options which i will tell you slowly

and then i will teach you in details

and we will do some works in detail. ok let's start

so first of all if we want to make

some object in 3D then

definitely we have to make that object first
so you have to think
whatever art you are making how it will look like in 3D
for example i made a simple rectangle
make sure it's stroke is off
this is simple
square or rectangle
please select this and
i am going in effects and then in 3D and
i am clicking extrude and bevel but at first
i want to tell about rotate
so what will rotate do
first on your preview
it will rotate your object 3 dimension-ally .Nothing else
there is no option except this rotation which you will change but
if you increase perspective then
if you did photography then wide angle lens
is an effect. this will give same type of rotation
3 Dimension-ally . ok
i don't use this more
so i am doing just cancel
ok come and see next effect
which is first in our list Extrude and Bevel
this will
give your object
extrude which means
it will make Z axis depth
just on your preview
it is looking a 3 dimension box
see here you can rotate your cube
from here
ok so
you can change your angles also like this
here you have 3 axis
this y axis, this is x asix and
this is z axis so
you can also move through this or by manually it is
rotate ok
remember one thing see it is looking very big from here and small from here
then also it is looking very big from here
reason of this is
we have selected perspective zero
so increase your perspective so
it will look like actual 3d. so when you will
increase it's perspective then it is
looking overall dark
because lights area acting differently here
so on more options from here
here is your sphere which you can see
this is your light, now where you want to put your light is up to you
for example i am putting in left side or here,
i wanted here , so so i put this here
i want to put my light here then
it will come here
and similarly if i want to put it in upward position then it will come here
ok if you want to add more lights here
and then click new light from here
and then you can do this from here
you can also change your light little bit
and i mean you can change your light placement also
you can also decrease light intensity from here for example
so i selected this light here and
from here i am decreasing
or increasing t's intensity ok
this is a simplest form of 3 D
and there is nothing more here
ok one more small thing i want to tell you that the further things
which we are going to see
are little bit resource hungry, your system will
slow, so if you have less ram or
you have slow CPU then i am so sorry
may be your system will crash
or your illustrator will also crash or may be
it will not show any proper results
because it is very heavy effects and it works on many machines
if you have large Ram then it is best for you
let's make some more things i am taking a rounded rectangle
i want to make some complex shape
right and i took a ellipse and
i made from it's center
you can do this from pathfinder or
simply do right click and then click on compound path
i just wanted h whole in the bottom
i am making something like a tube
simply i made this and then
i went to 3D and then extrude and bevel
and when you will on this , it will look like this and
i am increasing it's perspective not very much but little bit
plus from here you can increase its extrude depth
remember that this light features are off always which is by default.
so click more options to see all the features
then features will visible to you by clicking more options from here
from here you can increase its extrude depth
so now here is 50 points and i am increasing it's depth
and see this
it is looking almost like a tube
ok see my system is also becoming little bit slow
but that's ok
but it is not so bad , it is enough for make you understand
see i am taking one light
in front side and i am taking
one more light and i am putting this light in this side
see this , it is giving different results
wherever you will put the lights it will give you different results
ok , one thing see carefully
here are some
bands or lines are visible to you
if you will increase it's blending step
then it will start giving you smooth result on your 3D object
again i am telling you that it is heavy
i am increasing some steps from here and see this
this is a smooth light now
see this edge,
i want to make it very smooth or i mean i want to make this sharp end into smooth end
so you can adjust from here (that is from Bevel)
see this if you go in Bevel, if you take classic from here t
hen it will give you a chamfer edge
and i am putting it's light in upward position
so it will visible to you
i am also increasing it
it is more than enough now so i am decreasing it
so if you see it carefully then it is increased with it's depth
if i will decrease it's depth
then you will see it's edge will look
little bit difference. So anyways
i am putting this here
so this shamper will visible to you
except this , there are also many different types which you can use
so remember one thing
many strange results come here
so you use it lightly
usually i like this rounded
see here it's geometry is not coming so good
but anyways
for understanding this, it is enough for understanding
that how 3d is working.
Mostly we don't use this for this types of things
we use this for different works which i will tell definetely you later
i will give you another class in which i will give you details about this
let's make something else
let say we are writing text so
let's write GFXM
and font
i am selecting
futura bold
and remember one thing
whenever you want to make your text 3D
so first do one thing is which is
create outline
and then you do 3D effect on it
correct, so i am doing Exrtude and Bevel
and you can see this and
i am turning on this preview and i am adding perspective from here
i am adjusting from here
yes one light i am using in upward place
yeah and other i am placing here
this light i mean the upper light
i am decreasing it's intensity
see this and ok it from here
this is your text which is ready
but again see in edges some strange things are coming
this is due to my
graphics card's problem
i am not sure why this is coming
but sometimes we face this type of things
don't worry we can adjust it later also
when we will expand it we can adjust it also
but for now forget it
for now it is more than enough
second option which is coming in front of you is
revolve , it is strange but it is interesting.
what revolves do is that ?
let me tell you a small thing about it
when i was doing extrude at that time
i was increasing the depth of 2D object from behind
revolve rotates a side in rounded manner or
i mean it rotates a side at an angle of 360 degree
and then it gives you a copy after it rotates a side at an angle of 360 degree
for example
if i made a simple thing
like this
ok see
I made a shape from my pen tool
i am doing this part little smaller
if you see this i know this looks nothing
but if you see it carefully
it is looking like vase or Flowerpot
i don't know what i made
let see what will going to happen with this
simply this is made by just only with strokes
do one thing , make it's stroke little bit thick
i did 9 points , ok
make it 8 points
and i did it's stroke edge round
so it will look round from here
and from here i want to do it round
so do one thing that
so i did rounded strokes from here
so it will become smooth right
and select it and go to 3D and
then go to revolve and on your preview
so this is your i mean
your revolve option is like this
again i am turning on my perspective
i am increasing it's perspective
and yes
see my system is also slowed
i am putting this light here and
i am adding one more light here
and i am also increasing it's blend steps
so that it's line will
become smooth
so that's it
i hope you had understand so far
i am leaving this class till here and for practice now
next Inshallah i will give you next class
about further details of 3 D. This is part one of 3D
in part 2 we will do big things related to this.
Big things means we will make artwork and
we will make complex things with this effects
this is just a starter for you
i know you people always love to see new things
i know you are waiting for my new videos
and i am making
my class's time little smaller nowdays


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