Adobe Illustrator - Envelope Distort - Class 17 - Tech Learning 4U :
Welcome to Tech Learning 4U. I am your Teacher Zohaib
AND this is our
class number 17 and we will learn today ?
today we will learn very interesting thing
Envelope Distort and
and what to say about this, let see and see what we will learn today directly
so first of all i take a new file here
and where is your envelope distort , this i want to tell you
if you go to object menu
see here is your Envelope Distort an
here some options are disabled now
yes they are disabled because
we didn't take any artwork here
mostly it is used for texts only
but let me tell you what is the use of this
let's Say
i am writing a word here
and i am making this little larger , Right
and let's do this that
I am doing all caps here
now i am changing the fonts ,
let say i am taking a heavy font
which name is 'Impact'
you have object menu here
so select your text and
go to object menu
and then go to Envelope Distort
here you will get three main options
Make with wrap
Make with Mesh
Make with Top object
all of them are similar but their way of using styles are different
so first of all come and let's see make with Wrap
so what we can do with make with wrap
when i will click here
you will get a panel
wrap options
see your text is also became distort little bit
it is now converted into arc Shape
here are some different style options (default options)
so many times these options
are enough
and sometimes we use different methods
so let me tell you some things
about it how you can use them, i mean about these options
see here horizontal and vertical is given here
so if i do vertical then
it will distort vertically, right
if you do horizontal then it will be more better
this is bend and how much bend you want to do
so if i do minus
then it will bend in opposite direction
one more thing it is little bit different on comparison with type on a path tool
In type on a path tool,
your text don't deform
means text shape don't change
sometimes we need this and
we can also use it
there is no big issue here
make sure your preview is on
if your preview is not on then it will not visible
that what types of changes are coming
and next you have distortion horizontal and vertical
see if i am going horizontally in the minus direction
then see horizontally from these place it's height is decreasing from here
then it's height is decreasing from here
and if i will go here
it will show similar effects from this side
it looks little bit 3 Dimension-ally effects
and if you check this vertical it will do like this
it's upto you that you want to use it or not
now i am not using this
i am doing both values zero
let say i choose arc ok
let select this
that is Arc upper
and i am typing one more text
i increased
it's size equal to first text
and i also applied Envelope Distort
i am doing Make with Wrap here
i am selecting low Arc here
this is a good facility for you
if you want to make your text's shape
into your own suitable shape
then you can do this very easily
there are some options which i think it is very important
for example here i had written T E X T that is text
i want to write something else
instead of this, for example
Distort Class i want to write
i will simply select this and
we will go to object and we will go to envelope distort and here
you have option edit contents here
when you click here
aap k pass see i am moving my mouse on it
so you can see your text normally
so now if i take my type tool and i will select this
and i will type
for example i had to type C L A S S
see this
see this you text is now changed
but shape is still remained same
right shape is not changed
but your text is changed now
ok make it align
if you want to change its size i mean if you want to make it's size small or big then you can do it
and second thing is
if you want to release it for example you don't want this
and I want to write it normally straight
then go to object menu and
envelope distort and then release
and when you will release this then a mess object will come in front of you
which was your shape
and your normal text will come in front of you again
i hope you did not find it so difficult to understand
it was very easy and
so what are more options in this ?
let say i am removing this and
i am also releasing this
ok let it remain both of them here
ok i am selecting this and releasing this
i am now removing this
and again i have now my normal text here
next option is here is make with Mesh
what make with mesh do ?
this will give you your object after applying mesh in it
i had taught you about Mesh in details and
i had given 3 classes over this topic
if you didn't learned about 1st class's Mesh then i had given the link of it
in the upward of this video's screen
please watch it and when you click on make with mesh ,
it will ask you how many rows and columns
you want to apply on your mesh, let say
i am taking very simple , i mean 2 rows and
2 columns, ok on your preview so
it will be visible to you that how many mesh it is applying in your object
if you will increase your rows and columns ,
for example here i am increasing it's columns here
do increase it very much and i am giving 4 value
i am putting this here for sometimes
see when you applied mesh here,
Now you have 1,2,3,4 lines you can say
i mean 1,2,3,4 columns
are made here, see here
areas are 4 and it's benefit is
if you move it from any point then your text will
also move along with your point
and the best part is that you can change your shape very easily
as well as you can use all the things
which you used in Mesh tool
for example
if i selected this 3 points from here
and from scale tool
i am decreasing this then it will be like this
if i will hold this points and i will make them large then
it will become like this, see this
Amazing , you can distort your text
very easily, you can do it as you want
you can make it's hodgepodge also
but please don't make so much hodgepodge
this is not for that purpose i mean it aim is not to make your text worst
yes what we can do it by using this
, i will definitely give you a tutorial of this
that will be our first tutorial where
you can do a interesting typography by using this tool
next definitely please don't forget it
yes i will do that tutorial
and same thing which we did today will be applied
on this envelope distort i mean make with mesh effect also
if you want to release this then come here and
then go to envelope distort and then release ,
see a mesh object will come in front of you
so select this and now you can remove it also and
now if i will do undo
one more thing i want to tell you that
you can also edit your text in this wrap with mesh effect also
so go to your object menu and then envelope distort and then go to edit content
and see this
i type GFXMENTOR here
here everything is same
but only contents are changed. right
ok we understand till here and now
we will see third option
again i am also removing my object from here
this is the same text that
we had changed
next the option which have is Make with top object
Make with top object is also very interesting this
here we can do that
you can make your own shape
for example i made this shape and condition is that
your object will be on top potion
i mean your shape will be on position according to arrangement
i am changing it's color and here color doesn't matter matter
only shape's position matter here ,
make sure your object is in the top position according to arrangement
if you will do this then it will not work,
your shape must be on top position
top object which means
whatever objects you had selected all will converted
into the shape of the top object of your artboard
let say i selected both of them
and then i will go to object menu and then Envelope distort and then i will click on make with top object
see your text converted in to the shape which i made
it automatically changed into the shape of the top object
so i hope
you all understand till here
this things we did doesn't matter will applicable only on text
you can do this on objects also
for example let say
i made this boxes here
and i puting this boxes here and see you have
i mean go to your object menu and then envelope distort and then
do make with warp then these all things
will only apply here ,
it is not necessary that you have to apply this only in text
right see the way i did this with my text
in the same way i did with my shapes also
and if will go to path menu and
then envelope distort and then edit content
now see you have selection of same boxes
you can edit this from here also
and alignment see if i will change it's shape for example like this
if i will do this see it comes from here and
i selected this and
i did like this
this is so interesting
i don't know what i did but it is looking fine
you had seen that i am applying this on my text as well as
we are applying this in our graphics also
this is not necessary that you have do apply
this envelope distort into vector objects
but you can also apply this on raster images
but remember one thing that the results of raster image is not so good but i have to show you how it works
because it is important that how to apply this
because it is important that
how to apply this
ok so i am going on
my favorite website
let say i am downloading
any image from here
don't worry i am not making anything now
i just want you to see that we can also apply
this methods on raster image also
now i downloaded this and
i went to my folder and then
i did drag and drop here
and i did drag here and
see this is one of the beautiful landscape
i am also embedding this
and i am also making it's size smaller
so i taken my image here and i embed it here and
i also decreased it's size
and now i want to apply Envelope distort here
but remember two things here
no.1 - this is raster image
no.2 this is very large size image
and definitely illustrator will become little slow
when we apply envelope distort and see i am going to path menu
and then envelope distort and make with Wrap
and see this here it had taken some
it is normal ok
alright now this is your image which is now distort
i did zoom out here, alright i am doing ok here
now see this
now my system became little bit heavy now
anyways i hope you all understand till here
i believe you will definitely play and make some different things with this