Adobe Illustrator - Path Menu - Class 19 - Tech Learning 4U :
Welcome to Tech Learning 4U. I am your Teacher Zohaib
this is our class number 19th
ok keep in mind that this are our last classes
may be this is our second last class
after this class, there will be only one last class and our illustrator course will be over
and after that
i will give you small tips to you
and now further topics are not so large
so it don't need larger time to explain and this classes and i will not say them classes
i will give tips and tricks or tutorials on some small topics
it's length will be 5 minutes
or 10 minutes ok
so what we will see today ?
there is a sub menu in the object menu
that is path menu and path related some things
which are very useful are given there
so let's start
so first of all Let me show you first
where is your path menu? go to your object menu and then path option
Path is written here
in this path menu there are some options are given
such as join average outline stroke offset path
and now these all are disabled
why they all are disabled ?
we don't made any path or object
so let's make something
i made a simple rectangle and
now i am going in object menu
then i am going to path and these things
i had taught you in my previous classes that was Pen tool's class and
i had discussed these topics such as join and average
so if you didn't saw that then i am giving you link
watch it (kindly watch it)
i mean that pen tool's class
Now outline stroke, ok
what outline stroke do
if you
remembered our pathfinder class
we had converted strokes into fill
i mean we had expand it
so if you expand it
from here it will ask you
what you want to expand fill or stroke
but if you want to expand it directly
to convert your stroke into outline or shape
then simply go to path menu
and do outline stroke
without asking anything , it will convert into fill
so if i will do resize of it ,
see this it is resizing finely
outline stroke is simply expand but
only for strokes, ok
i did undo
and we came again to our stroke
this is also well known to you but i have to explain it for you because
it is also important to explain this here
when i taught you about offset paths
may be at that time i didn't explain in details
or may be people didn't given importance to this
but this is important and in many things it is very useful
for example here is my rectangle made by me and
i want to make a big rectangle than this
first option is that i can make it and second option is go to path menu
and then do offset path. And in offset path
it will show you the value which you used last time
if i want to increase it's value then it is increasing from here
and it is giving another rectangle
How much value you need you can give
from here
in offset there is 15 points
if you look it carefully
15 points is written here that means
15 points from all sides ok
and if you do ok from here then one more copy is generated
from here which is big in size
it is not necessary that it will be applied only in square or rectangle
you can do it in any shape
for example i made an oval here
let say i take my that egg shape
and i want to make a big oval around this oval
or i want to make a small oval around this oval
so go to path menu and
from offset path we can adjust it
so on your preview , here 15 points is showing large shape
if i will go towards minus it
will show smaller shape
it is very useful sometimes
we need a outline of an object i mean outline in outside
at that time we can use it
next thing you have is
reverse path direction
i know as such you will not get understand this
but one thing i will tell you that that stroke
i had said you one thing that
this is our stroke panel
there is one option here which is arrows
let say i started from here and
i ended this from here ok so
so i am taking this here
and here i am taking this
ok see this illustrator knows that i started from here & ended from here
or whaterver i did i mean started from here and ended here,
but if i want to reverse the path
so i will select this path
and i want this arrow head here
and this back part to come here
one way is to come and change this from stroke panel
and second way is go to path menu
and then you do reverse path direction
then also it will do that
so your starting or ending point will adjust it by itself
i mean whatever you want to do
you can easily do. Ok
then another option is Simplifier
ok this is very interesting
and very useful
sometimes we make our path with pentool and
we put many anchor points on them
ok suppose i did this
i don't know
what is this
i think it is potato
i made a potato and inside this shape
there are many anchor points here
and i want to decrease it's anchor points
and i want to make this path simplify
simplify means i want to make this path little bit smooth
i want to decrease it's anchor points
so simply go in path menu and
then click on simplify
Preview, and see if we will decrease it's anchor points
then shape will change little bit
and if you see this originally
here 32 points are given
and currently here is 5 point from here
we can adjust it
so i am increasing curve precision from here
let say 89 % and here is 20 points
ok and one more thing which is given here is
angle threshold , from this
it will not give you big difference
main thing is curve precision
this will help you here for your work
originally we have 32 points and
currently here is 11 points
plus one more option is
straight lines
here no curves will come
we don't want this
and here is best thing is show original option
from here you can see that from original how much your new shape is different
by turning it on
we can make our best shape by this
i think this enough, 32 points is
converted into 10 points and do ok
remember that it is showing you when you are doing this things
ok now i will do ok then
our object is simplified
extra all the anchor points are disappeared
the most important thing shape was maintained in this process
now ahh..
and after simplified next is add anchor points
and this is also
as said this overall menu is very useful
these are small things but these are very useful
for example we have
a rectangle and
we all know that it have 1,2,3,4 anchor points (4 anchor points)
and i want to add more anchor points here
how much ?
when i will come here and go to this path menu and then add anchor point
then it will not ask us anything and where to add them
it will always
just add one anchor points
itself in you path
so we have here , here, here and here
one extra anchor points
if i will show this ,
it is now like this
and if you need more anchor points then let it select again
and then go to object path and
click on add anchor points
so see here
this had given you this
and this anchor points i mean it had added this anchor points for you
in short in your all straight lines
,it will add anchor points on them
obviously i made
a strange thing but
i hope you all understand this easily
this is very calculative task as it will give you a anchor point in
the center of between two anchor points
where some place are given
it will add anchor points whenever you will do add anchor points
your next topic
is for example
you have a path and
let me tell you about this remove anchor point first
this is doing very interesting thing that
some times we have many anchor points
on our path
or i want to delete some particular points
let say this shapes is also little bit different like this
i made this shape
i want this , this and this points to be reomoved
ok then select them and go to object menu and then path and then
remove anchor points it is similar to
like i am deleting (minus) from my pen tool one by one anchor points
this is doing same thing . It will
remove all the
selected points which you had made
that's it
Next is your divide object
below see here
i have many object which is made by me
and i simply made a path
that is one line and i want to cut this together
of course we can select and
do divide also but if i will divide
then this is also overlapping path here
in path finder's divide which you all had seen it earlier
so let's open pathfinder
and if i divide from here then yes
it will divide but this all
overlapping will divide
right which i don't want to do
that i made this line and
i want that three shapes to on this line
so please select this line
and go to object
then path and then go to divide objects below
here is written objects it means
it will divide all the below objects
doesn't matter how many objects are there
see this when i divide this
see this
all are divide and cut into like this
and you can move them together also
so see this
i hope you all understand this
i mean this path menu
and inside this there is one thing
that is split into grid
this is not used in many times yes
but we use them some times for making grids
you can make any shapes but i
t is maximum used for rectangles or squares only
what is grid ?
grid making means
what i can say about this grid i mean it is like a graph paper
and in illustrator we have grid also
in illustrator i had
not shown you
i don't want to see this
i want to make my own grids
let's turn this off
i mean right click and then click on hide grids
let's say i made a rectangle here
and in this rectangle
i want to make grid
on this
rectangle's size
how we will do this. Please go into path menu and then split into grids
then it will ask you that how many rows you need
and how many rows you need and when you are increasing your rows or columns
it is
give you
give you a copy ()
which have square boxes
it will become like that notebook of math during our childhood times in Pakisthan and other countries
and if you to give some specific height or width
then you can also give it
there is one also best thing here which is Gutter
what is Gutter ?
Gutter is space between this boxes (rows and columns)
for example i am giving 5 points gutter here and
5 points gutter here and
ok if you
look carefully
here some gapes are coming
plus you can add
more guides
if you look carefully
now you have guides and
this is very thin guides
and it will also moves
and if you want then you lock your guides also
or whatever you want to do you can do it
ok i am locking them
i am going to object then lock and then clicking to
section (control + 2)
now you can remove this boxes if you want
what's the benefit of that if you go in design's theory
then i will tell you about this definetely
and its uses also
so from here we can make our personalize guides
i mean we can make our personalize grids also
i hope this will also useful for you but now
it will be useful in
further classes
Clean Up, this is very important
if you make anything at anytime
usually new students and they don't know that
here we have strokes and fills
sometimes, sometimes these both are off (nun)
because we don't notice them that these are off and we are making things and
things are making in continuous way
but not visible to us
ok remember that
this are those objects which don't have any color
one more mistake which is happens maximum specially new comers
sometimes we make some object from our pentool
and then we decide we don't want to make then we press delete
i did delete but see this ,i
t is one extra anchor point
is left here and sometimes we also select objects and
then delete in wrong manner
i selected this and this and this point and then deleted them
and see some
extra paths are coming here and if press control + Y
we all know what is control + Y, this is known as outline mode
see this, these are known as stray points
these are known as
non color or your empty path
one more thing is empty text path
now what is empty text path
sometimes we typed a text and
after typing the text we selected
them all and delete it
see here cursor is blinking
if i will take selection tool
see a empty
text box is coming here
ok , alright so i didn't removed it
these types of small things
which are made here but not visible to us
for cleaning this types of things
clean up option is given here
when you will go there it will ask you something
one is your stray points and stray points are
those which are left and not visible to us
unpainted objects
these are those which i made and which doesn't have any stroke and fill
these are unpainted objects
and now empty text path, correct
here all are marked by check marks
you can select them as per your own choice. I mean if you want only to delete stray points then you can select it only
usually i suggest you to select all these three check marks
and see this is delete option
right and do ok and your all
extra data will deleted from your artboard
due to this stray objects our selection becomes very strange
because they are all small objects which are not visible to us
sometimes we select small objects but bounding boxes are showing very large
because of this small stray points
and yes if you think some extra things are disturbing you
then please use this clean up
i hope you all people liked this path menu
i mean you got understand this
i know you got understand this