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Remove Matte from Layer in Photoshop - Tech Learning 4U

Remove Matte from Layer in Photoshop - Tech Learning 4U  :


Welcome to Tech Learning 4U I am your Teacher Zohaib

So today i came with a interesting and small tip

sometimes it happens that you select some object from some image

and you put that object at some other background

everything are alright at that time but some light

boundaries comes in the edges. This boundary is known as Matte.

how to remove this boundary ?

Lets come with me and start this

Alright and welcome back if you see here

i made a simple image in this white background

our image is just a red circle and we don't have any extra layers here

that means that your image is flat


Before starting this i want to tell you a most important thing

if you zoom in this and then you will notice one thing that

you will see at the edges .. one thing remember that raster graphics

are always made with pixels and what you mean by pixels?

pixels are boxes

these pixels which you are watching

are always there at every raster image. So don't worry that

your image is pixelating so if you watch them at 100% ,

how to see it at 100% size ?

if you press control + 1 . it will show you at 100 %

this is perfectly sharp image there is no issue here

but yes if you zoom in like this then it will be pixels like this definitely

now in raster graphics,

if you watch it carefully

these boxes which are here are little bit smooth

and these smoothness ,

these are most powerful thing

which is known as Anti aliasing

Anti aliasing , if anybody is gamer than he will know what's the importance of anti aliasing

there is a big role of it in game

i mean the stronger you Gp

the more will be your Anti aliasing in games

What is anti Aliasing ?

if you remember the old times games

i mean if you played Atari or Sega games

the graphics used there are made of boxes

at that there was no anti aliasing

as we are now moved to advanced world and we are now developed and

anti aliasing is now with us as well as it is now in your Photoshop also

and you every image contains anti aliasing

here the anti aliasing which you are watching ,

this is the bigger reason of that Matte

which is visible at any image

for example i have to select this circle and

i want to put this circle at some other background

so what we will do ? see this is our solid color

so simply i am selecting my magic wand tool

which is inside the quick selection tool right

i take my magic wand tool and i clicked here and i did control + C


and i am coming in my other file where i have black background

and when i will paste

that is control + V , nice it is perfect, it is looking fine

but if you zoom in this

the you can see matte and for removing this matte

there is a simple and easy way to remove this matte

you don't have to do anything just go to your layer menu and then at matting

and then defringe and

see here two options are also there that is black matte and white matte also given here

instead of going in these two just click on defringe

Defringe will automatically decide what is the color of matte

and it will remove it itself but

you have to tell it that

in how many pixels you have problem while coming from inside to outside

if you see from here 1 and 2 pixels

but if you watch this from here

1,2,3 pixels that is from coming inside to outside it have 3 pixels

but if you put 4 then also there is no issue here

but don't do less pixels. here i am giving 3 pixels and

i am doing ok

That's it done . this is now completed

let me repeat one more time and i am doing undo here

just go to layer menu bar

you are in the same layer which contains matte

so go to layer menu and then matting and then click on Defringe

and you have to tell it how many pixels which are making problem and i put 3 pixels here

and i clicked ok and your matte is removed now

so remember one thing that this is not any magic ,

it is just a simple science, it is removing that color

which is not matching from inside

if you don't find any good results from

this then don't complain about it that it is not showing good results here

see when you problem is minor that type it will work

but when you have more area like that then for it we can do other things but

if you try this and

you will understand this and

definitely you will also like this

and your many problems will be solved by this

I hope you liked this Blog 

Thank You

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