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Vector File Formats in Illustrator Tips - Tech Learning 4U

Vector File Formats in Illustrator Tips - Tech Learning 4U :


 welcome to Tech Learning 4U. I am your teacher Zohaib

and I again Come for you

tips and Tricks and what is the tip

this is very necessary thing and many peoples have asked about it

ahh confusing sometimes

so file save how to save file

so lets start

So lets say I have created some type of art work and I want to

save this artwork so simply go to file

save it and

from here you will give file name

let’s say I want to save on my desktop

so I have renamed it

Hexagon ok

and I save it.

Here I want to tell you a little thing that if you

create on CC or any other version and

and you want to open it on an older version

not new so

from here you can save

in older version so for example I am working on

CC and want to save it on CS6 version

so I select CS6 and

then ok

but I am saving in CC and from here

i press OK and


Now when you save any file here

is an another option in save as

look down in which type of format you want to save your file

so like Ai or PDF

even you can save PDF file also

so I suggested if you make your CV or

resume so save it in PDF,

design on illustrator and

save in PDF because

any Acrobat or Google Chrome or

Firefox opens or support your PDF files

so this can also be saved in PDF format

so let say I also saved in PDF format

and save and here it ask you for some compression

I don’t think that you need it now

ok so simply save from here

save PDF. I show to PDF file also

so this is your Hexagon file

PDF icon is showing

and if I open it so it is now

in acrobat reader and yes it

is still in vector

you can zoom in or zoom out it

will not be


next one more format you have

EPS go to save as look down here

in EPS ok what is EPS format

it is such type

or format that

can be open in other software

also save EPS file from Urdu software Indesign

Inpage sorry

and can open it on

Photoshop or illustrator so similarly

just like you can create EPS from here

One more thing here for you that is SVG

What is SVG “Scalable Vector

Graphics” this is for web

so let say I am saving it

on SVG format

and just Ok


the file I have saved SVG file

the special thing in SVG file is that

you can open it on fire fox or Google Chrome or

whatever is your browser

let say I open Firefox

if I drag and drop this hexagon file

see this can be run in your browser and interesting thing is that

it is zoom able so if you

zoom in or zoom out or

stretch your window so this is

automatically resize

so ye sit is also

an important thing SVG.

Many mobile apps

or even in websites

SVG images are used now one more interesting thing

SVG is very wonderful format

if you want you can also open it

on notepad just like

HTML coding

you have also SVG coding

see and you can also change its color from

here so let’s say

here its color and I completely want to turn it

red so red color so

Hexagonal code of red color is FF


and ok let say I am saving it

and refresh

see this is your outer ring is red

so just keep in your mind that

you can export SVG from here

SVG is basically a coding Language

you can create image through coding

but don’t do this your illustrator create to you right

so I hope you like these tips and no

any issue is coming in saving file

Thank You

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